+91 22 2670 1425      rolycab.bkd@gmail.com



    Rolycab Industries is firmly committed to a policy enabling all work activities to be carried out safely, and with all possible measures taken to remove (or at least reduce) risks to the health, safety and welfare of workers, contractors, authorised visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our operations.



    Will provide and maintain as far as possible:

    • A safe working environment.
    • Safe systems of work.
    • Plant and substances in safe condition.
    • Facilities for the welfare of workers.
    • Information, instruction, training and supervision that is reasonably necessary to ensure that each worker is safe from injury and risks to health.
    • A commitment to consult and co-operate with workers in all matters relating to health and safety in the workplace.
    • A commitment to continually improve our performance through effective safety management.


    Each worker has an obligation to:

    • Comply with safe work practices, with the intent of avoiding injury to themselves and others and damage to plant and equipment.
    • Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others.
    • Wear personal protective equipment and clothing where necessary.
    • Comply with any direction given by management for health and safety.
    • Not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety.
    • Report all accidents and incidents on the job immediately, no matter how trivial.
    • Report all known or observed hazards to their supervisor or manager.

    Application of this policy

    We seek the co-operation of all workers, customers and other persons. We encourage suggestions for realising our health and safety objectives to create a safe working environment with a zero accident rate.

    This policy applies to all business operations and functions, including those situations where workers are required to work off-site.


    Rolycab Industries are committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimizes our potential impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do.

    Our policy therefore, is to:

      • Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into our decision making and activities.
      • Minimize our waste and then reuse or recycle as much of it as is possible.
      • Minimize energy and water use within our buildings and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimize the consumption of natural resources.
      • As far as is possible, purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment.
      • Train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work.
      • Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner.
      • Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it.
      • Where required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programs.



    Rolycab industries code of conduct defines minimum standards of ethical and responsible behavior which must be met by the employees at the firm in the course of its business, in line with the corporate culture of Rolycab Industries, firmly based on the respect for Human and Labour Rights.

    The Code shall be applied to all suppliers and employees that take part in the purchasing, manufacturing and finishing processes and fosters and is based upon the following general principles that define Rolycab Industries ethical behavior:

      • All Rolycab Industries’ operations are developed under an ethical and responsible perspective.
      • All persons, individuals or entities, who maintain, directly or indirectly, any kind of employment, economic, social and/or industrial relationship with Rolycab Industries, are treated fairly and with dignity.
      • All Rolycab Industries’ activities are carried out in a manner that most respects the environment.
      • All suppliers and employees fully adhere to these commitments and undertake to ensure that the standards which are set forth in the Code are met.

    1. No Forced Labour

    Rolycab Industries shall not allow any form of forced or involuntary labour in their suppliers and employees. They may not require their employees to make any kind of ‘deposits’, nor are they entitled to retain employees’ identity documents.

    Suppliers shall acknowledge the right of their employees to leave their employer after a reasonable notice.

    2. No Child Labour

    Suppliers and employees shall not employ minors. Rolycab Industries defines minors as those persons who have not yet reached their 16th Birthday. In cases where local legislation stipulates a higher age, the higher limit shall apply.

    Persons with the ages between of 16 and 18 years will be considered young workers.

    Young workers shall not work during night hours or in hazardous conditions.

    3. No Discrimination

    Employees shall not apply any type of discriminatory practice with regards the recruitment, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination of the employment agreement or retirement, based on race, caste, creed, nationality, religion, age, physical or mental disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation and/or union membership or political affiliation.

    4. Respect For Freedom Of Association And Collective Bargaining

    Rolycab Industries ensures that their employees, without distinction have the right of association, union membership and collective bargaining. No retaliation may arise from the exercise of such right and no remuneration or payment whatsoever may be offered to the employees in order to hinder the exercise of such right. Likewise, they shall adopt an open and collaborative attitude towards the activities of Trade unions.

    Workers’ representatives shall be protected from any type of discrimination and shall be free to carry out their representative functions in their workplace.

    Where the rights to freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining are restricted under law, the appropriate channels to ensure a reasonable and independent exercise of such rights must be designed.

    5. No Harsh Or Inhuman Treatment

    Rolycab Industries treats their employees with dignity and respect. Under no circumstances shall physical punishment, sexual or racial harassment, verbal or power abuse or any other form of harassment or intimidation be permitted.

    6. Safe And Hygienic Working Conditions

    Rolycab Industries provides a safe and healthy workplace to their employees, ensuring minimum conditions of light, ventilation, hygiene, fire prevention, safety measures and access to a drinking water supply.

    Workers shall have access to clean toilet facilities and drinking water. Where necessary, facilities for food and storage shall be provided.

    Accommodation, where provided shall be clean and safe.

    Rolycab Industries will take the required steps to prevent accidents and injuries to health of their workers, by minimizing as much as possible the risks inherent to work.

    7. Wages Are Paid

    Rolycab Industries ensures that wages paid meet at least the minimum legal or collective bargain agreement, should this latter be high. In any event, wages should always be enough to meet at least the basic needs of workers and their families and any other which might be considered as reasonable additional needs.

    Rolycab Industries will not make any witholdings and/or deductions from wages for disciplinary purposes, nor for any reasons other than those provided in the applicable regulations, without the express authorization of workers.

    Likewise, they shall provide all workers with: written and understandable information about their wages conditions upon their recruitment, and detailed information about the particulars of their wages every time that these are paid.

    Rolycab Industries ensures that wages and any other allowances or benefits are paid on time and are rendered in full compliance with all applicable laws and specifically, that payments are made in the manner that best suits the workers.

    8. Working Hours Are Not Excessive

    Rolycab Industries shall adjust the length of the working day to the provisions of the applicable laws or of the collective bargain agreement applicable for the sector in question, if the latter affords greater protection for the workers.

    Manufacturers and suppliers shall not require their employees to work, as a rule of thumb, in excess of 48 hours a week a worker shall be granted at least one day off for every 7-calendar day period on average.

    Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed 12 hours per week, shall not be demanded on regular basis and shall always be compensated at a premium rate, pursuant to the provisions of the prevailing regulations in force.

    9. Regular Employment

    Rolycab Industries undertake that all the employment formulas they use are part of the applicable local laws. Thus, we shall not impair the rights of workers acknowledged under labour social security laws and regulations by using schemes they have no real intention to promote regular employment in the framework of regular employment relationships.

    10. Health And Safety

    Rolycab Industries is responsible for all health and safety of the employees and workers in their respective working space. All safety measures and equipment are provided for the workspace accordingly to ensure maximum safety.

    11. Environmental Awareness

    Rolycab Industries is duly committed at all times to protect the environment and shall comply with the standards and requirements of the applicable local and international Laws and Regulations.

    Likewise, they commit to comply with environmental standards established by Rolycab Industries including, if applicable, the necessary measures to reduce and compensate such impact in order to apply said standards.

    12. Confidentiality Of Information

    Rolycab Industries shall preserve the integrity and confidentiality of the information they may receive as a consequence of their commercial relationship with their suppliers/ Clients.

    The obligation of confidentiality will remain once the relation with Rolycab Industries is terminated and it will include the obligation to return any material related to the company held by its suppliers / clients.

    13. Code Implementation

    Rolycab Industries shall implement and maintain programs to set in motion this Code. They shall appoint a senior member of Management who shall be responsible for the implementation and enforcement of this Code.

    The code shall be communicated to all employees or those in any way involved in the Rolycab Industries supply chain.

    A copy of the Code, translated into the local language, shall be displayed in accessible location to all workers.

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